Sexual misconduct threatens Converse’s community of trust because it endangers the physical and emotional safety of its members, offends the dignity and violates the autonomy of its members, and disrupts the academic progress of survivors during their recovery. Sexual misconduct is a serious violation of the community’s trust and will not be tolerated.
Sexual misconduct by a student or employee may result in disciplinary action under the University’s policies and procedures and may be prosecuted under South Carolina criminal statutes. Even if the criminal justice authorities choose not to prosecute, the University can pursue disciplinary action, and such action could result in dismissal from the University. The University encourages all members of its community to be aware of both the consequences of sexual misconduct and the options available to survivors. It is the policy of the University to encourage survivors to report all incidents and violations to the law enforcement officials or agencies with appropriate jurisdiction and avail themselves of all the services and rights to which they are entitled by law.
Sexual misconduct is defined as sexual contact without consent and includes: intentional touching, either of the victim or when the victim is forced to touch, 直接或透过衣服, 另一个人的生殖器, 乳房, thighs or buttocks; rape (sexual intercourse without consent whether by an acquaintance or a stranger); attempted rape; sodomy (oral sex or anal intercourse) without consent; or sexual contact is committed either by force, 恐吓, deceit or when the victim is mentally incapacitated or physically helpless.
言语不当行为, without accompanying physical contact as described above, is not defined as sexual misconduct. 言语不当行为 may constitute sexual harassment, which is also prohibited under University regulations and is specifically addressed in the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and Administrative/工作人员 Handbook.
If the sexual misconduct occurred on campus, contact:
- 864校园安全.596.9026年和
- SAFE 首页s Rape Crisis Coalition at 864.583.9803(24小时接听服务).)
If the sexual misconduct occurred off-campus, contact:
- 斯帕坦堡警察911或864.596.2076年和
- SAFE 首页s Rape Crisis Coalition at 864.583.9803(24小时接听服务).)
The sooner the sexual misconduct is reported, the easier it is to collect valuable evidence. Medical attention is crucial to assess possible internal injuries or sexually transmitted diseases, as well as to collect medical evidence, should the survivor choose to pursue prosecution. To facilitate evidence collection, the survivor:
- 不应该洗澡或冲洗吗
- 不应该小便
- 不应该喝任何液体吗
- if oral contact has occurred, the victim should not smoke, eat, or brush teeth
- 如果你换了衣服, soiled clothes should be placed in a paper bag (plastic destroys crucial evidence).
Physical evidence can be obtained up to 72 hours after the sexual misconduct, 认识到随着时间的流逝, the quality of the evidence diminishes. 校园安全, 斯帕坦堡警方, or Ambulance may transport the survivor to an area hospital for medical attention and a rape protocol exam. If the survivor does not want to contact the police, a friend or relative may transport the survivor to the hospital. If the survivor chooses not to go to a hospital, the survivor is strongly urged to seek appropriate medical attention. Converse 健康 服务 on campus (864.596.9258) provides quality confidential medical services, or the survivor may choose to 访问 another physician.
All survivors of sexual misconduct are encouraged to report the incident to appropriate law enforcement agencies. If requested, college personnel will assist the survivor in notifying these authorities. A student survivor may also choose to file a report with 校园安全 (864.596.9026) or with the Director of Residential Life (864.596.9016).
Reports of misconduct that have occurred off-campus may also be made to either 校园安全 or the Director of Residential Life who will then assist the survivor in locating the appropriate on-campus and off-campus resources for assistance.
Whether legal or disciplinary action is desired, 可以提交匿名报告, 在任何时候, with Converse 咨询 服务 (864.596.9595)或卫生服务(864).596.9258).
Inquiries concerning discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex or gender may be referred to 万博地址的第九条协调员.
For permission to take photos on campus, please 联系事件服务.
主要的电话 & 总机: 864.596.9000
580 E. 主圣