- 本地和区域实习机会
- Our professors 现实世界的从业者变成了教育者吗
- 通过与真实公司的案例研究进行实践学习
- 通过当地的服务学习万博下载ios充实你的简历和经验
- 通过旅行和研究获得国际经验的机会
万博地址的会计专业和辅修课程将为你在私人或公共会计领域的职业生涯做好准备, financial management, or graduate school. 会计学位为你打开了几乎任何公司的大门, from the newest biotech startup to a hundred-year-old bank; all companies need accountants to manage finances or transactions and guide them in their financial business decisions.
Degrees Offered
- BS in Accounting
- Minor in Accounting
Related Programs
About Accounting
会计处理管理私营和公共部门业务所需的财务数据. 会计专业人员决定和沟通一个企业或组织的财务运作. This field includes auditing, management accounting, financial accounting, international accounting, forensic accounting, tax accounting, and public-sector accounting.
许多会计师追求注册会计师(CPA)认证,以使他们的工作机会多样化. CPAs may become entrepreneurs, starting their own accounting firms, 或者在大型会计师事务所担任外部审计员. 其他人在私营公司、政府和机构担任管理职位.
Hands-On Projects
许多课程都有机会让你在当地企业的万博下载ios中学习实际技能, nonprofit organizations and campus offices. 最近,万博地址会计专业的学生分析并提出建议,以改善当地一家服装店的会计和信息系统, a jewelry designer and a bail bonds office.
斯帕坦堡拥有来自19个国家的80多家国际公司和数十家公司总部. As a Converse Accounting major, 你将有优势靠近这些非常理想的实习地点, including:
- Dixon Hughes
- Swaim Brown
- Smith Barney
- Ernst & Young
- ScanSource
- Pricewaterhouse
- Coopers
- Milliken
万博地址学生最近在福特汽车信贷公司完成了会计实习, Dixon Hughes, and FFT Production Systems.
会计专业是为你在工业界的职业生涯做准备, financial management, public accounting or graduate school. 我们建议你考虑选修专业要求之外的额外课程,包括, but not limited to computer science, money and financial institutions, 以及其他选修的会计和金融课程. 商业道德概念贯穿整个课程,使您接触到商业世界中存在的各种道德困境.
Sample Courses
- Accounting and Business Information Systems
- American Legal System and Contracts
- Tax Accounting
- 商业组织、财产法和商法
- Auditing
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Accounting
当你获得会计学士学位毕业时,你就可以成为一名会计专业人员了. 你可以很好地通过商务写作和口头陈述来表达自己. 我们的教师将指导您基本的业务, 经济和会计概念,你将能够准备基于公认会计准则的财务报表. 你还将掌握联邦所得税的基本知识,以及运用批判性思维技能解决分析性问题的能力.
BS in Accounting Major Requirements
Minor in Accounting
会计辅修课程是为了补充其他专业而设计的,它提供了一个涵盖中级的会计集中课程, financial, cost and tax areas. 辅修课程是提高你的就业能力和对金融问题的理解,以及补充你的定性技能和批判性推理能力的好方法.
我们会计专业的毕业生目前在银行工作, public accounting, manufacturing, 服务公司和读研.
What are common careers in Accounting?
- Public Accounting Firms: Accounting, Auditing, and Tax Services
- Government: Local, State and Federal Level
- Corporations大小公司通常都有一个会计小组来编制财务报表, tracks costs, handles tax issues, works on international transactions.
- Education:教师、教授、财务主任、财务主任、研究员
What are Accounting alumni doing?
我们的会计毕业生目前在各种各样的企业或在当地工作, state or the federal government. 许多人已经成为注册会计师(CPA)或参加会计硕士研究生课程.
- Audit Associate at RSM US LLP
- Tax Associate at Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
- Staff Accountant at Buckeye Broadband
- 家装国际会计专家
- Project Accountant at Tindall Corporation
- DOC Maintenance, Inc .的业务分析师和客户经理
- 福特汽车信贷公司领导发展万博下载ios助理
Grad Schools
- Wake Forest University
- Georgia State University
- Georgetown University
- The University of South Carolina
- University of Texas
- The University of Georgia
- Winthrop University
Converse offers over 100 majors, minors, certificates, and graduate programs across 2 campuses and online.