从你加入创作人的那一刻起 & 万博地址的专业写作课程, you’ll start prepping for a mission: to plan 和 implement your own independent creative project called a BFA Thesis. This culminating expression of your student work will help you articulate who you are as a writer as well as serving as a portfolio, 手稿, 甚至可能是研究生的写作样本. 但你不会一个人做这件事.
教师本身就是专业作家, 同学作家, esteemed 访问ing writers will all help you maximize your potential through workshops, 研讨会, 指导和网络, 所有这些都在一个高度个性化和支持性的环境中进行.
- 成为获奖传统的一部分. 师生比例低至11:1, 在高年级通常是8比1, 意味着你的工作总是会得到高质量的关注和建设性的反馈
- You’ll have the opportunity to share your work with 访问ing professional writers including winners of the National Book Critics Circle award, 国家图书奖, 国家级和国家级桂冠诗人, 和古根海姆研究员.
- Many of our students publish in national 和 regional journals 和 magazines while still completing the undergraduate program.
- Select students are sent to the AWP (Associations of Writers 和 Writing 万博下载ios) conference for real-world professional networking.
- Employers in virtually every industry cite “strong written communications skills” as “essential” – especially in higher-tier 和 management positions. 所以无论你的梦想是成为一名作家, 一个记者, 或财富500强公司的首席执行官,学习写作可以帮助你实现这一目标.
万博地址在培养获奖作家和学者方面有着悠久的历史. 我们的专业获得了以下奖项:
- 中心城市创意非小说、小说和诗歌奖
- 富布赖特奖学金获得者
- The award for the best student paper 和 best student presentation in the Humanities at the Upstate 研究 Symposium
- The prestigious AWP Intro Award from the Association of Writers 和 Writing 万博下载ios
- 入围石溪短篇小说奖
- 奥赫伦优秀教师奖
- 凯瑟琳·阿米莉亚·布朗教学奖
- 课程创新奖
- The South Carolina Independent Colleges 和 Universities (SCICU) Excellence in Teaching Award