- You can expect one-on-one interactions both in 和 out of the classroom thanks to Converse’s small class sizes 和 h和s-on faculty.
- 我们数学推理的三个基础, 计算, proofs will prepare you for graduate study or a variety of careers in math.
- 参与实践 研究的机会.
- Our uniquely interdisciplinary program offers ample opportunity for you to connect your math skills with other areas such as the sciences, 业务, 和会计.
A math degree from Converse develops problem-solving skills 和 analytical thinking that our graduates use in a wide variety of careers. Converse’s mathematics program will prepare you for a workplace saturated with increased use of technology 和 the need for data-driven decisions.
Converse’s Math program blends pure 和 applied mathematics with a liberal arts foundation. Students can combine their math major with other programs to forge a unique curriculum.
- 数学学士
- 数学学士
- 辅修数学
作为一名万博地址数学的学生, 你会磨练你的批判性思维, 推理, 以及逻辑能力, in addition to becoming adept with a wide range of 计算 和 proofs. You’ll learn to question all assumptions 和 carefully assess claims. The tools you’ll learn to wield in the math program will make you a valuable asset to a variety of disciplines 和 industries.
Converse mathematics 专业 get grant funding to attend regional 和 national professional conferences while they are still undergraduates – a rare experiential learning opportunity you won’t find at most universities. 在这些会议上, our students sample cutting-edge scholarship through lectures, 专题讨论及海报环节, while gaining experience presenting posters of their own. The networking is fantastic – students can meet graduate school reps, 专业同行和导师, 甚至是潜在的雇主.
Students choose a particular topic of interest in mathematics 和 work closely with a faculty member to research 和 conduct a presentation as part of their major during their senior seminar.
- 博弈论与数学
- 密码学
- 魔方的数学
- 数学界的女性
- 图论
Converse math 专业 study hard 和 play hard, together – 和 often at the same time! Field trips 和 parties with their professors mix fun 和 learning while creating bonds that last a lifetime.
作为一个数学专业的学生, you’ll take courses in classical mathematics as well as special topics courses designed by the faculty. The foundation for a mathematics major includes the calculus sequence 和 a collection of more advanced, essential courses such as 微分方程 和 抽象代数. 课程 in these areas serve as pillars of the study of mathematics in general, so that after program completion you’ll be prepared to tackle any mathematical problem. The program culminates with a senior seminar project in which you’ll select an area of interest in mathematics to research independently.
In addition to learning to solve higher-level problems, majoring in 数学 will allow you to effectively communicate logic concepts, 整理和分析数据, to use technology in conjunction with other problem-solving skills.
- 数论
- 生物学中的数学建模
- 抽象代数
- 微分方程
- 现代几何
Students who earn a Bachelor of Arts in 数学 degree may pursue a diverse assortment of careers, 包括分析师职位, 财务工作, 与海军合作的机会, teaching jobs at the secondary 和 university levels, 以及与计算机相关的职业. The degree provides a foundation for careers in computer science, 业务, 教育, 科学研究, 和更多的. The BA is particularly suitable for double majoring in mathematics 和 in one of the sciences or 业务, 在两个领域提供强大的技能.
查看 数学学士学位.
数学学士学位, in addition to providing the same career foundations as the BA, offers additional high-level math 和 science classes to equip students for success in graduate study.
查看 数学学士学位.
Students who seek 未成年人 in math usually major in biology, 化学, 商业或会计, 并且在这两个领域都出类拔萃.
查看 辅修要求.
校友 who graduate with math degrees are well-prepared for life after Converse. 数学 专业 have found jobs in such 业务 areas as insurance, banking 和 governmental agencies including NASA. They are sought after as secondary school teachers.
- 精算师
- 运筹学
- 分析师
- 顾问
- 研究员(学术)
- 统计学家
- 教育(K-12或大学)
- 伦斯勒理工学院
- 克莱姆森大学
- 威廉玛丽学院
- 奥本大学
- 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校
- 西班牙ESL教师
- 多尔曼高中数学老师
- 高中数学教师,哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳州
- 美国海军军官
教师 & 出席数学协会会议的学生
Converse faculty 和 students attended the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Southeastern Section Meeting in March 2024 at the University of Tennessee, 诺克斯维尔. Associate Professor of 数学 和 Dean of …
Building the Foundation for a Data-Driven Future
Written by Am和a Mathis Since moving to Spartanburg, SC, joining the 大学交流 faculty in 2015, Dr. Jessica Sorrells has significantly impacted the Department of 数学 和 计算机科学, …
Converse Attends 数学 Meeting in San Francisco
Dr. 阿曼达·曼, Sydney Wilson ’24 和 Ryleigh Henderson ’24 (Nisbet Honors) attended the world’s most extensive mathematics gathering, 在旧金山举行的联合数学会议. 超过5100人……