The BA at Converse is specifically designed to encourage you to combine your music studies with an outside field. You’ll be assigned an advisor for each of your 专业 who will help you pursue your varied interests. 音乐 BAs have ample opportunities to be fully involved in the school’s performances.
You’ll have the chance to design your own Senior Capstone. 最近的万博下载ios包括网站设计, 原创音乐剧作品, 独奏演出, 演讲s on topics ranging from Carvaggio’s Use of 音乐 Symbolism to The Use of Magic Squares in 音乐 Composition to The Changing Portrayal of Women through Disney Song.
音乐 未成年人 are valued members of the Converse music community 和 are encouraged to continue performing in our ensembles long after their degree requirements are completed. They often find ways to incorporate their music studies in their major field, 那就是实地教育, 心理学, 或剧院.